Pet Preforms

Pet Preforms

We are manufactures &exports world-class PET (polyethylene terepthalate) preforms .It is a thermoplastic polymer,which is transparent and produced from petroleum hydrocarbons.In order to make pet bottles the plastic is polymerized in which shorter molecules are linked together to form long molecule chains.

Our PET preform have a highly reputation for competitive price and excellent quality. Pet bottle are more durable and breakage resistant as compared to their glass counterparts.they are flexible enough to be molded into any shape and any shade of color. it is low cost to product make it an accessible solution for consumable product packaging.


  • Mineral Water
  • Soft Drinks (Low and High Carbonated)
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Agro-Chemicals
  • Cosmetic and Pharmaceuticals
  • Edible Oil
  • Powder products, coffee, tea, spices and sweets.
  • Beverage Industry
  • Oil Industry
  • Chemical and Pesticide Companies
  • Food Packaging Companies
Suitable Markets